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How to cope with not making honors this year?

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Have a cup of tea. Then maybe ask yourself whether your friends did anything you didn't such as ask the teacher more questions, complete every piece of homework, procrastinated less. 

But most importantly remember that while making honours is certainly a great achievement not making honours isn't a terrible thing. Life will go on and the doors to your desired future won't snap shut.

Also, you can use this as a motivator. Your avatar says your exams are May next year? That means you still have plenty of time to improve your grades and studying techniques to get the marks you were hoping for.

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Well it does sound like you're insecure about your intelligence. But you know, so are most people. That guy probably is as well or he wouldn't be pushing it in your face. There's nothing you can change about how intelligent you are, except working harder, so just shrug it off and move on. We have to accept faults within ourselves and also learn to accept things we feel we've failed in. The IB is pretty good at teaching you what it feels like to fail :P I failed loads of tests and stuff through IB and didn't do as well as I should have... it's about using that as motivation to pick yourself up and move on, rather than dwelling on it like some personal insult. Life isn't a contest, it's about doing the best that you can for yourself. When it comes to grades and academic achievement, you're the person who matters, not other people.

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Your insecurity about your intelligence shows that you care and value it. Being insecure about it is not something to be ashamed about, it's how you employ your insecurity that is important. Does your insecurity lead you to be jealous of other people, consider cheating in order to promote the perception of intelligence etc. Or does it encourage you to work hard and seek help from teachers, friends or other resources in order to maximise your results, and prove to yourself or whomever that you are intelligent. Try and aim for the latter.

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