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Hey there! I take Biology and I have a friend in the class who is at a 3 right now too. 


Some of the aspects my teacher told him:


- Keep organised Notes. This will make the process of revision way easier!

- Pay attention in class. Biology concepts have to be fully understood. 

- Plan ahead to study for your tests. Biology test require a lot of learning material. Don't revise last minute, as you will realise there is too much information. 


P.S use http://www.ib.bioninja.com.au/ib-home/ to get your notes organised. It's a good website with everything you need to know.


A 7 is possible if you work hard and put in time and effort!


Good luck! :)

Edited by IBProcrastinator
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You are only in the beginning of the year, so by the end of it you could actually improve greatly! So if you had a 5/6 at the end of this year, next year your teacher could predict you a 6 easily and even a 7 if you show consistency. This also depends on your next year's grades but still. Don't stress out too much cause it's only the beginning, but do everything in your power to do well.

This means practice extra past papers, take good notes, use different sources (your book, bio guides, bioninja.com etc), and take advantage of YouTube (ex. Crash Course Biology, IB Bio Stephanie Castle etc). Bio SL is not extremely hard, especially if you genuinely like it. You just need to keep putting effort and not depend just on your teacher to learn the material- take learning in your own hands! 


Good luck! :)

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kay literally, I am dying in many subjects, esp chem but for bio I think the best thing to do is for all the chapters onwards, READ AHEAD and MAKE NOTES ON THAT. that way when you go to class, all you have to do is fill in what you missed.....Idk how much time you have but if time is a crunch, watch Crash Course Bio. Saved my life.

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also remember to badger your teacher as much as possible; sometimes the explanation they give on a one-on-one basis is much clearer and understandable than when they address the class;


have you thought about checking out some online courses? Duke University is running a online course on human physiology (helpful for SL and HL, but waaaaaaaaaaay too much material), and University of Kentucky (or whatever the name was) is running Advanced Chemistry (helpful for chem HLs who are particularly bad at acid & bases equilibria), it's on coursera.org

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