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Can helping a club/school department be considered as a CAS Project?

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Hi, so my school is not the best funded school there is in the county. Many things are under funded in our school, such as bathroom supplies. But probably one of the most under funded things in our school is the drama /  theatre department. Today, our competition troupe had competition, and every single other schools had better props and costumes. It has gotten to the point where in the middle of our first performance in the beginning of the school year, our theatre light had gone out and we had to do it in our back up lights, which are what we use to do project. Well, sorry for my little rant but i just need to vent. The real purpose of this post is to ask if helping out the drama club or drama department (it's all ran by the same teacher) can be used as my CAS project? I would do little fundraisers and little activities to not only get more fund for the department, but to get people to acknowledge all the hard work we do (we rarely get more than 10 people to watch a performance, since our teacher is in charge of many things and could use the extra help to promote the department). Thank you guys in advance. 

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This is a great activity and would for sure count for CAS!


If you find and organise fundraising activities and donate all of the profit to the department you will receive Service hours, and be a help for the whole school.


Some activity ideas could be: bake sales, movie night or anything else that can be profitable. 


To fully approve this activity double check with your CAS coordinator. :)

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