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IB Physics Nov 2014


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Paper 1 was alright, not many questions in the form of calculations but generally okay.

Paper 2 was nice this session. Data question was a simple resistance vs temperature q with calculations required for the slope, line of best fit, uncertainty plotting and calculation etc. Second question I forget, but third was all nuclear physics. Section B options were good, I chose the power sources/electric fields part (the last one - 6 I think) which was great, easy explain questions such as distinguishing between renewable and non-renewable energy, between photovoltaics and solar heating panels etc. Only some calculations which were easy too. 

Paper 3 definitely struggled with - our school options were A and B (eye sight/wave phenomena and quantum/nuclear). Option A was alright, however Option B tripped me up and others. Type of questions were nothing I had ever remotely seen before, and was heavily focused on explain style questions.


Overall the three papers weren't too bad, 2 was definitely the best which is good as its weighting is the highest. By the way I'm an SL student. 

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As an HL student, that response above ^ greatly worried me as I started panicking because my paper 2 (and every other HL kid in my school) did not like paper 2! Hopefully you doing SL explains that. 


Paper 1 was alright, there were a few questions that I didn't really know what I was doing. 

Paper 2 so I avoided section B questions that looked hard, I did 6 and 8. It wasn't that difficult as such but I do wish there were more definition questions. The last page of that electricity question was soooo weird and I didn't get what it was even asking. It didn't go as well as I wished it did at all. I ran out of time in the end as well so that didnt help because I had like 2 parts to a question that I'd only half managed to figure out. 

Paper 3 was MUCH better than paper 2! I did option E and G and most of it I could do. Still a few hiccups here and there but generally better than paper 2 so hopefully it was alright. There was a question about Olber's paradox and quantitatively proving it or something as opposed to Newton's theory and I had no idea how to do that because it was 'quantitatively' as opposed to 'qualitatively'. What were we supposed to derive mathematically? Or what did that mean? I obviously missed this when revising.... 


I would love it if grade boundaries were low like they were for May 2014.... 

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@Harrison Fuller - I started freaking out as well when I saw your post, 'electric fields part', until I realised you were SL!

@IBfreakingout! - Can you expand by what you mean by the last electricity part question, if you're referring to question 8, the last two questions were about thermodynamics.

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There was a question about Olber's paradox and quantitatively proving it or something as opposed to Newton's theory and I had no idea how to do that because it was 'quantitatively' as opposed to 'qualitatively'. What were we supposed to derive mathematically? Or what did that mean? I obviously missed this when revising....


Here's the quantitative explanation of the Olber's paradox. It's explained in the Tsokos book:




Now, don't worry about physics too much. It's among the subjects that has the lowest grade boundaries. And I'm sure the IB will lower them down this time.


Anyway, I wish all of the November candidates good luck with the rest of your exams :) I bet you guys can't wait for the time of freedom..... ;)

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There was a question about Olber's paradox and quantitatively proving it or something as opposed to Newton's theory and I had no idea how to do that because it was 'quantitatively' as opposed to 'qualitatively'. What were we supposed to derive mathematically? Or what did that mean? I obviously missed this when revising....


Here's the quantitative explanation of the Olber's paradox. It's explained in the Tsokos book:




Now, don't worry about physics too much. It's among the subjects that has the lowest grade boundaries. And I'm sure the IB will lower them down this time.


Anyway, I wish all of the November candidates good luck with the rest of your exams :) I bet you guys can't wait for the time of freedom..... ;)



Wow, well there was no way I was going to get that. Though it makes a lot of sense.... I don't recall seeing the 4pi*d^2*wn equation anywhere... 

And we didn't use the tsokos book. Oh well, maths HL exam is soon and that is now taking up more brain space so I am not worrying about physics :P 

Thanks for posting the answer though :D 

And as much as I can't wait for freedom, I am going to miss school and even IB, at least up until uni starts :P

I already miss physics (crazy I know) and I know some other people who have randomly been applying their IB knowledge such as about physics in their daily lives such as when putting ice cubes in water...wondering about the latent heat of fusion. 

Its crazy. 


@Vioh can I also mention that your total IB score is amazing!!! I can only wish my exams went/remaining go well enough for something as amazing as 40!! :P :p 


@Harrison Fuller - I started freaking out as well when I saw your post, 'electric fields part', until I realised you were SL! @IBfreakingout! - Can you expand by what you mean by the last electricity part question, if you're referring to question 8, the last two questions were about thermodynamics.


I think this was a Section B question and it was one where we had to draw the V and I relationship on this graph that already had a V against I graph and although it was probably talking about the new one, I didn't know how to draw it. The next question was to then find the current flowing in the circuit using the graph. These were the last 2 questions for that part of the question.... there might have been a part 2 but I can't remember now. 

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