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Spanish ab initio oral tips


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Hi everyone,


In about a month I have Spanish oral and I was wondering if you have any tips or words of advice? I started Spanish last year and although I do like learning it and stuff my teacher isn't consistent and we don't talk in lessons like at all. When doing the 'mock' oral in my own time I'm great but then I can use a dictionary and my phone, so it doesn't really count. Can anyone recommend me a website or what tenses should I know for sure or anything? :( I'm so stressed about it.


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For the first part of the oral you will be describing an image. Be sure to know positions such as above, behind, in front etc. Also learn lots of adjectives and vocabulary for everyday objects, places and people. Try to say as much as you can even if you think it sounds basic like 'the man is wearing a red hat' because saying basic things will earn you more points than being silent. Hopefully you're teacher has shown you some examples if not the sorts of images I got were of a restaurant, a farm, a football match, a house so that's what I mean by 'everyday objects'.

The second part of the oral is the one you can prepare the most for. You and your teacher will have a general conversation about you. So a good thing to do is to plan and memorise a few sentences that about you, about your family, your opinions on school and school subjects, holidays, what you did on the weekend. Also, you are allowed to lie. I used to say I went to the city on the weekend even if I didn't because I knew lots of city related vocab. Make sure you know future tense because one of the key things I think you get asked is your plans for the future. 

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Consider joining forces with another friend from Spanish class and make it your goal to speak only Spanish when in Spanish class. You can still use your resources, just try and limit your usage of them. There is no other way to learn a language other than consistently using it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I think this link can really help with the image part, but it can help with general speaking.



This can be of use, too.


-Take your time. Spanish is a fluid language but since you're still learning, go at a steady pace if you need to.

-Practice speaking a lot in everyday life, at random times. It'll help you get more used to how it feels to speak the language, and you won't be very rusty once you do the exam for real.

-If you have time to prepare for the picture part, try to keep from writing complete sentences. You'll be so reliant on that and it'll hinder you because you'll be reading, not communicating.


I hope this helps! 




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