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Extended Essay Due Tomorrow!


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Hi, all,


So my EE is due internally tomorrow. Fine—it won't be. I plan on doing it by Friday.

I am wondering 2 things: 

  1. When is it due to IB finally and what has to happen internally besides the viva voce? (Does that even have to happen?)
  2. Do I absolutely need my adviser to sign off on it for it to go through to the IB?

I am wondering about 2 because my adviser basically told me about a month ago that if it wasn't done by then, he was going to drop me as an adviser, so...am I completely screwed?



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I would have try to complete it as soon as possible like by today if that's the internal deadline.   :( You wouldn't want the adviser to drop you unless u manage to find another superviser to help you out.  Real due date should be March I think or is it May...most likely March...anyways  problem is that all over the world there will always be people uploading things last minute to the ibo around deadline...so u need to upload early or something...late = disqualify.....Extended Essay is just as important as TOK and CAS...u need to take it seriously or else fail the course. 

Edited by Hazelz
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If your EE is due tomorrow, you should plan to finish it until tomorrow. If you absolutely cannot finish it by tomorrow, talk to your supervisor and ask for a bit more time. Otherwise, it's up to your supervisor to decide what to do - and if he's already told you that he'll stop being you supervisor, well then I'd suggest looking for another one! 


1. The Viva Voce has to happen, yes, but that is about it apart from sending in the final draft. 

2. Yes, although I think it only has to be a teacher from your school.

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