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Can you take Grade 11/12 IB courses in Grade 10?


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I'm in grade 9 pre-IB and have taken Japanese 9 last semester and am currently taking Japanese 10 this semester. I plan to take Japanese 11/12 IB next year, double semester again, but is this actually allowed or would it mess up my grade 11/12 IB schedule?


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Yes, SL Japanese 11/12. (They don't offer HL foreign languages at my school.)

I had originally planned to take two SL languages (French and Japanese) and two sciences (biology and chemistry). There isn't enough space for all of these courses, I don't think, so I thought that I could use my two grade 10 electives to take SL Japanese 11/12-- but I guess not.

Thanks for your reply! :)

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Oddly enough, I have 9th grade classmates taking IB math SL. This doesn't seem to be really common though, so I'd talk with an administrator or coordinator to see if your school allows it. If you are allowed it probably won't count towards your diploma, as it isn't for the students at my school.

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Well, it is all possible but it really depends on your school. I'm currently in 9th grade and I'm signed up for HL Mathematics next year, as I finished my IGCSE course a year early. I just had to give up one subject as I'll have more hours of maths.

Asking the IB-Coordinator in your school would be the best thing to do - I'm sure they'll be able to give you the answer :)

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