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Cold war


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I have a problem with getting more than 10 out of 20  in the cold war essay in paper 2. 

Although I got 13 in the other essay in paper 2, and 16, 15, 13 in paper 3. 

I feel that the questions require detailed knowledge and the book we used do not provide enough detailed knowledge, it gives  general knowledge about the cold war.

The question, do you know any websites or books, which can help to prepare for exam? or do you have any tips on how to prepare for paper 2 ? 

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I usually google past essay questions with marking schemes. They give you a good idea of how to approach the questions. And the thing about history is that there are only so many things they can ask about. For instance, my history teacher says that he's seen a question on Yalta/Potsdam on almost every single exam that hid students did. 


So something like this:



21. How and to what extent did the conferences at Yalta and Potsdam (1945), contribute to the origin of the Cold War? (May 2003)

This question has three demands, actual disagreements at the conferences, problems that arose out of decisions taken there, and a judgment on “to what extent”. In the latter part, candidates could also record briefly other causes of the Cold War. Yalta, attended by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin took place 4 to 11 February 1945. It was both the high watermark of the wartime coalition and the beginning of serious disagreements, over the composition of the United Nations, the shape and government of Poland, the division of Germany, and reparations. The cracks were largely papered over, but disagreements re-emerged later.

Potsdam took place 16 July to 2 August 1945. Stalin and Truman attended throughout, but Churchill withdrew and Attlee (who was there) took his place. The US possession of the atom bomb was announced, and unsatisfactory decisions on Germany – boundaries and reparations, Polish frontiers, and Soviet participation against Japan were concluded. Again they caused disagreements later.

[7 marks] and under for short general causes essays, or for those who deny the importance of the conferences without discussing them.

[8 to 10 marks] for narratives of Yalta and Potsdam with implicit assessment of their part in the origin of the Cold War.

[11 to 13 marks] for answers that consider how the conferences caused disagreements between the powers, then and later.

[14 to 16 marks] for focus on the conferences’ part in the origin of the Cold War.

[17+ marks] for understanding of the conferences’ importance in the origin of the Cold War, and a verdict on “to what extent”.

It tells you what the examiner is looking for for these types of questions. While it may not be as specific as textbooks, it is way more focused.


Hope this helps :)

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