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Biology Option


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Hi :)

I'm currently in IB2 and I will be taking my exams in May this year (so creepy). Just today my biology teacher who isn't an IB teacher suggested that we should do two options and I'm confused. I've asked a few of my friends I've met from IBS and they told me that we only need to do one option for Biology. I just wanted to confirm this twice to feel safe enough to tell my teacher about it. I tried reading the IB Biology Guide for 2016 but I might have left out this information while navigating through 179 pages of dense words, I'm really anxious too. I hope someone could point out the page number for me, if it is in the new biology guide, so I can show it to my teacher. 

Thank you for reading this :)


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Hey I didn't take biology but it's definitely only one option, because of the new syllabus with first exams 2016. If you take a look at the old biology syllabus from 2009-2015, you will see that it's two options. Talk to your teacher about it and use the syllabus as proof; you do not have time to do 2 full options at this point in time.

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One option. The paper 3 this year has changed into Part A as core and Part B as ONE option. 

You should totally check out the 2016 Specimen Paper if you want more reference. 

According to IBO (https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/server2/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_biolo_gui_1402_1_e&part=9&chapter=4) : 




Paper 3

Duration: 1¼ hours

Weighting: 24%

Marks: 45

  • Section A: candidates answer all questions, two to three short-answer questions based on experimental skills and techniques, analysis and evaluation, using unseen data linked to the core material.
  • Section B: short-answer and extended-response questions from one option.
  • The questions on paper 3 test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.
  • The use of calculators is permitted. (See calculator section on the OCC.)



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22 hours ago, Littlelostattimes said:

Hi :)

I'm currently in IB2 and I will be taking my exams in May this year (so creepy). Just today my biology teacher who isn't an IB teacher suggested that we should do two options and I'm confused. I've asked a few of my friends I've met from IBS and they told me that we only need to do one option for Biology. I just wanted to confirm this twice to feel safe enough to tell my teacher about it. I tried reading the IB Biology Guide for 2016 but I might have left out this information while navigating through 179 pages of dense words, I'm really anxious too. I hope someone could point out the page number for me, if it is in the new biology guide, so I can show it to my teacher. 

Thank you for reading this :)


I think the thing to note is the use of 'should'. Perhaps they believe that it will allow you to cover more bases if you know two options instead of one, and therefore you can choose whichever you feel more comfortable with in the exam. However, everyone who's replied above is correct - you only need to study one option in the new syllabus. Good luck!

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Thanks everyone. :) I gotta agree that having two options would be a good idea but in my case my teacher doesn't see it as a backup, he sees it as mandatory because he pulled an old paper 3 and said we had to do two options. Generally I'd be happy to study something for backup or know something more but I've switched bio teachers three times. Apparently  the current one just did something extra, teaching us with Alex Lee or Dan videos while pausing it and reciting them generally word by word. It's just like me watching these videos at home. The way he speaks with a weird english accent made me lose my attention span. He hasn't finished "teaching" topic 11 and I've been self studying for the entire IB2. I wanted to ask this to ensure myself and let myself focus on the option my previous real IB teacher taught me. Thanks everyone for that confirmation ^_^ Thanks inriya for pulling that up! I'm feeling 100% safe now :D

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