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English A HL Lang Lit Paper 1


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I chose the second pair. This year's texts are oddly long, i didn't have enough time to write a really comprehensive essay. I did finish everything on time though but not with the quality I wanted...

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Urgh, I chose the first pair but it was so long, I hate it when I have to flip between pages to write my analysis -.-

I think it's kind of unfair too, the second text is like two genres in one text, so there are so many more things needed to be mentioned for format :\ 

I did okay but I feel like the papers this year are so much more challenging compared to the previous one. The November 2015 paper 1 was already quite long and difficult, but this one is just worse :< 

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I chose the first pair too!

It was about the environment or something right? (making sure that the timezone is the same)

In my analysis I basically addressed the basic stuffs (purpose, context, audience, etc.) and I discussed most of the stylistic features and form and structure and what not.... while comparing and contrasting in between.

I got to finish my essay, just hoping that it was enough of an analysis!

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On 5/4/2016 at 8:04 PM, ZhenXS said:

I chose the first pair too!

It was about the environment or something right? (making sure that the timezone is the same)

In my analysis I basically addressed the basic stuffs (purpose, context, audience, etc.) and I discussed most of the stylistic features and form and structure and what not.... while comparing and contrasting in between.

I got to finish my essay, just hoping that it was enough of an analysis!

Yes! I used the Big 5 for my analysis and I wrote how the audience of Text A and B differ, as Text A seems to want to include everyone however the environmental jargon would make younger audience and some non-environmentalists not suitable audience for Text A, whereas Text B with more informal language would drew audience of younger audience and probably adults who are looking for entertainment. I wrote that both texts have the same theme and purpose but Text A has a more specific purpose which is to promote a bio-sensitive society.

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