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How to make an English Written Assignment really good?

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My teacher told me to redraft my English Written Assignment. I did it and tried as hard as I could, but I have no idea whether it's any good or not. I didn't know if the first draft was any good or not either, and I got a B instead of A, which was what I was expecting it to get? How do I know if an English Written Assignment is good or not? What makes an English Written Assignment good or bad?

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How to improve your WA? It very much depends on your first draft.... What comments did your teacher make? 

There is a really simple answer to your other question about what makes a "Good" or "Bad" WA :  read the marking criteria. That gives you the EXACT idea. 

Edited by Blackcurrant
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1 hour ago, Blackcurrant said:

How to improve your WT ? It very much depends on your first draft.... What comments did your teacher make? 

There is a really simple answer to your other question about what makes a "Good" or "Bad" WT :  read the marking criteria. That gives you the EXACT idea. 

I have read the marking criteria. However, there are some that I do not understand. Criterion C is marked based on: "To what extent does the student appreciate how the writer’s choices of language, structure, technique and style shape meaning? ", however, I do not know what it means by appreciating in the context of this sentence. Does appreciate mean to understand fully in this context? In addition, the marking criteria for criterion D seems vague to me also. It is marked based on "How effectively have the ideas been organized, and how well are references to the works integrated into the development of the ideas?", but what does it mean to organize ideas effectively?

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Appreciate means how much you talk about literary techniques, etc. and if you apply them well in relation to your question - which would be showing understanding.

Organising ideas effectively is basically having a structure to your essay and a logical progression between your paragraphs. For example if you were speaking about the theme of X in a novel and then went on to talk about something completely different with no links to the topic, you'd lose marks on criterion D. Also, 'references to works' is legit just quotes and stuff like that - basically don't just stick them in the essay, explain clearly how they link back to the subject.

The criteria are very broad to accommodate for the fact that there are so many texts that people can choose to write on. 

Also, like Blackcurrant said if your teacher has told you to write another draft, I'm assuming that means they've written comments on it - so to improve it, you should look at those.

Edited by terribletouw
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