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Hey guys,

I am going to be brief. I am a little bit lost with my 2nd commentary. It seems easy as it is a very straight-forward work and doesn't require much research. The thing is I guess I haven't actually grasped the essence of writing an Economic commentary. Is it supposed to just explore and explain the discussion in the article, illustrating it with economic theory and diagrams? Or should I produce a discussion myself, with arguments in favor and against, even if they are not mentioned in the article? For example, I am doing on tariffs on China. And as you know there are several arguments against and in favor as to protectionist policies. One that occurs to me is the fact it gives government revenue. But on the article it does not mention it at all. But lets imagine I am actually fond of this argument and could explain it and analyse it neatly. Could I develop and illustrate it on my commentary? Or should I just stick to what the article says and just assess it eventually on the conclusion?

Please, I really needed some advice or some general tips on what really consists an Economics IA.

Thanks in advance, you can PM if you want.

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