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TOK Prescribed Title: Knowledge Question Help

Gary Garrett

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Hi, I'm currently having difficulties in creating my knowledge question for this title. The prescribed title is "Should key events in the historical development of areas of knowledge be judged by the standards of their time?" I created the knowledge question of " What role do ethics and emotion play when judging historical events?" I feel like it's not related enough to the prescribed title as it should be, but I really have no idea. If anyone could help confirm whether this KQ fits into the prescribed title, it would be greatly appreciated!

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My teacher went through that question in class and advised us to choose the AOK as natural science and the WOK as reason, but that's just my teacher. You should choose the ones you want and are interested in. However, she suggested that we could write about the Age of Enlightenment and basically the scientific revolution. That's just an idea if you're stuck.

These are some short questions (not RQ's) that my teacher told us to write down in class if it helps you:

Should it only be judge by the standard of context that it aroused from? Or should we look at it outside the box? Should it only be judged from its own time frame or does it have any applications outside its time frame? Standards of their time – the context that the particular development aroused from.

Btw, it says "areaS of knowledge"... So wouldn't it be good to choose at least two areas?


But maybe "To what extent do ethics and emotion affect the judgement of historical events?" or "How do ethics and emotion affect the judgement of historical events?". Sorry if this answer just made you more confused, but it's late at night where I live :runrun:

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