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Math IA: calculating "unnecessary" things?


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Hello everyone,

I'm writing my math IA on SL at the moment, but I'm struggling with one part. I have a research question that investigates the number of songs my iPhone can hold, although there's not enough math in this. I've chosen a method describing the central tendency etc., calculated the standard deviation and basically found a result. The essay is now in total 5 pages without introduction and conclusion. I've got a rational function which I've graphed (a hyperbola), and I really want to work with the asymptote that has been created. Here's my problem: I can't come up with a relevant RQ that investigates asymptotes...

Maybe this is an obvious question, but I'll ask it anyway. Is it really necessary to have a RQ that's being answered throughout the whole essay? Can I do things that are "unnecessary" for my RQ to show off some math?

I would ask my math teacher about this, but I misunderstood the assignment when we did our first draft. He's now refusing to help me or any other student during the break, since we've had our chance. The essay is due on the 9th, the day before the break ends... I'm not blaming it on him, because it was me that messed up and he should enjoy his break to the fullest, but I'm just letting you know why I can't ask him about it and that I'm in serious need of your help!

Thank you :smartass:

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