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So my psych teacher is teaching IB for the first time and that paired with a serious grudge against people who talk back to her has completely coloured her judgement against many of our essays. 

Yesterday I received a ERQ back ("Evaluate psychological reasearch (theories or studies) relevant to the study of human relationships").

I evaluated two theories explaining altruism (a concept in human relationships under social responsibility). I got only half marks for the essay because apparently evaluating two theories based on altruism is not enough. I need something else like bystanderism or pro-social behavior. However, I can find no source on the internet to back up this claim.

Surely I fulfilled the demands of my command term by evaluating two theories relevant to the study of human relationships? I am completely lost and slightly scared for May now because of this... Please help me out!

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Your teacher has marked incorrectly. These general questions have no other requirement than to compare any two theories from the option. It might be beneficial to compare two theories of altruism or alternatively two theories from different parts of the option. In general learning outcomes, the focus should be on how well you evaluate the theories [especially in comparison to one another] and how you display critical thinking. Your choice of theories should not proclude you from receiving full marks, I believe. You should bring this up with your teacher...

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