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Maiken Hansen

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My research question for my Physics IA was going to be:  can the theory of relativity be experimentally verified? I performed a replication of the Rossi Hall (1940)/ Frisch Smith (1963) muon experiments. However, I recently got a new teacher who told me that the experiment has to be designed by the student and cannot be a replication. I cannot find clear information about this in the guide and was wondering if anyone knows if this is indeed the case.

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Lol do you mean he/she's trying to tell you guys to discover new things about the universe or something? My IA was finding the molar constant R using Boyle's Law which was one of the IB required investigations. However, since my class didn't do that one and we did Charles Law I was allowed to do it (Approved by examiners). Of course I did not just come and make up an investigation by myself, I imitated one in which I had to see the relationship between pressure and volume and you would see so many university articles on it ._. So I don't know what your teacher is trying to say there lol...

Edited by So Young
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Seems a bit harsh if they want you to find out something new about the universe! 

You really need to make the personal engagement seem like a massive deal.  Come up with some reason why it's really important you do this experiment and how much it will impact on your life.  Recall/invent some random childhood memory and include that, making sure you mention it at the beginning and the end (and preferably somewhere in the middle) so that you really hammer home how incredibly relevant this experiment is to you life.

It doesn't really have to be rocket science (or does it? Idk, I didn't do physics).  For example, my chemistry IA was measuring the acidity of milk over time.  I related it back to my mother telling me not to leave milk on the bench for hours, or it would go off.  Pretty sure that got at least some marks for personal engagement, even though the relevance to my life was obviously mundane.

Good luck!

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