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TOK Presentation


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Hi, all

From recent news and the general reception of large corporations capitalizing on consumers' access to the internet, my partner and I have decided on the topic of net neutrality for our presentation

Here's our real life situation: https://www.wired.com/2015/11/comcast-may-have-found-a-major-net-neutrality-loophole/

Subsequently, we were able to form our main knowledge question to be answered, which was:

To what extent does the medium of communication impact the relationship between personal and shared knowledge?

After some in-depth brainstorming and analysis of our real-life situation, we can definitely see that our RLS has significant perspectives stemming from the Human Sciences - more specifically Economics. From there we were able to move on to ethics i.e. Is it fair that companies provide users internet access in exchange for behavioral data? How can one, using the utilitarian framework in ethics, assess the net 'utility' that each stakeholder gains?

Although I think we have progressed significantly into the knowledge question, we are still uncertain due to the lack of WOKs involved in the answering and discussion of our KQ. Subsequently, we have come to the thought that the markers will penalize us for this.

Can anyone having attempted one or more marked TOK presentations testify/refute this claim?

If it is true, we are thinking of switching to the (perhaps) more commonly done, and hence safer, topic of censorship

If false, how would you suggest that we approach our KQ such that we are able to integrate WOKs? (If discussion of WOKs is even necessary?)

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