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Help on IB History SL, IA


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Need advice on my question for my History IA.

I have three that I've chosen. From top to bottom is my preferences.

  1. Evaluate how Khrushchev's communism or de-Stalinization led to the escalation of the Hungarian revolts in 1956?
  2. Assess how Khrushchev's de-Stalinization resulted in the escalation of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  3. Evaluate how Khrushchev influenced Kennedy's act of Quarantine during the old war.

Which one is better, and for the better one, any ideas of evidence to look around for?

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Hey I'm doing Khrushchev as well! I'm currently in the research process for my History IA. As to not influence you, I will not directly state my own research question. 

I am more familiar with 1 and 2 than I am of 3, but so far I am a fan of 1 because it does not seem too broad nor too narrow. A great source for you to use would be Khrushchev's secret speech, which is where he revealed all the crimes that Stalin committed (which was shocking to EVERYONE since everyone had learned not to step out of line with rebellion against Stalin). 

Remember that the IB grades part of this project on how well you look at differing opinions of the situation, so whatever you choose should be arguable from two different sides. I'm honestly not sure how exactly you would go about this, but you could look at whether Khrushchev was the MAIN reason for the escalation of the Hungarian revolts or CMC versus another factor (another person or event...)

Hope this helped!

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