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Bio IA help- light intensity on photosynthesis rate


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Hi! I am planning to do my Bio IA on how do different light intensities affect rate of photosynthesis (of a pondweed, idk specifically what species yet) 


IV- light intensity. I aim to place the plant away from the lamp in various distances (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 cm)

DV- CO2 uptake by plant (measuring pH of water) OR counting bubbles of oxygen produced in/per one minute OR measuring oxygen produced by using a gas stringe


1. Is it necessary to have a lux-meter to measure the lux of the light intensities? Or will just stating the distance of the plant from the lamp be enough?


2. To measure my DV  - which way is the best?

A. i am not sure how I will set up my experiment properly if I were to measure the CO2 uptake by the plant.

B. Otherwise, will counting bubbles of oxygen be a reliable way of measuring the rate of photosynthesis?

C. I might use a gas syringe to measure rate of photosynthesis after 1 min (or should it be every 10 seconds?)


Sorry if this was slightly unorganized, I appreciate any feedback/suggestions, thank you for your time!

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