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Hi guys,

I have already chosen my topic for  the extended essay in biology and have a couple of questions for resources. I'm investigating how bacteria affect the rate of photosynthesis when infiltrated into a plant. However as I've decided to go for the syringe infiltration, I'm wondering which buffer solution is the most suitable for the plant phaseolus vulgaris(red kidney bean) and Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus that are to be infiltrated, without the anatomy of the plant or other metabolic processes to be affected as a result that could influence the final outcome. The rate is going to be measured by a CO2 sensor. Afterwards the plants will be watered with Penicillin and Streptomycin, and additional data of the rate will be collected.  Also does anyone have any resources on explaining the actual outcome of the experiment(why does the rate of photosynthesis increase or decrease), background information about phaseolus vulgaris, additional possible procedures for measuring the rate and reliable infiltration(the bacteria are difficult to infiltrate and symptoms have to be observed), calculating the rate, explaining the effect of the two antibiotics(Penicillin and Streptomycin)? Furthermore, do you think it is relevant to investigate effects of antibiotics after the plant has been infected, or this choice is too risky to stick to the word count. Any advice and resources on the mentioned questions would be highly appreciated and more than welcome.

Thank you a lot in advance:)


Edited by turquoiseblue
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