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Hey Guys, 

So I am at that time in my junior year where I have to propose three extended essay research questions but I have no idea what to do. I wanna do it in English, Visual Arts or Art History and about something related to women deprivation/representation, segregation or something similar to that. Do you guys have any ideas for my research question? I would really appreciate some help.


Thanks in advance! 

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Those aren't really my areas of expertise, but having written mine, I can tell you that it needs to be on something that you are VERY passionate about. Writing this will take tons of time researching and editing, so if you can narrow down your subjects based on personal preference that would be a good place to start. Also, the majority of people at my school did theirs in English, so it can't be that bad. I did mine on geography personally, so sorry that I am not too much help!

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I did mine on U.S. black civil rights in the south in the decade before WWII, so I have some experience with the general idea. The first thing is that you're going to need a question which allows you to make an argument. My question was essentially "Did blacks in the U.S. gain rights and how so?" The how so part of the question is very important. You're going to have to argue that some reasons were more important than others. 

That's just one example though, and there are many questions that you could ask. There's a greater amount of literature available about this period of the movement, so limiting the question is a good idea. School segregation is a very good topic in my opinion, but you'll want to be careful and make sure that your question allows for sustained argumentation.

I read up on Ruby Bridge's Wikipedia entry, and the problem with doing an essay specifically on her is that it may be too narrative-focused and biographical. To make an argument, you may actually need a broader topic than just one child. She certainly could feature in your paper—maybe even have her own section—but I think it will be hard to think of a valid research question involving just her. 

To start you off, I'll give you some questions just about school segregation that would provide a solid foundation. I ask, though, that you think about these and hopefully change them so that they suit you interest if you end up going this route.

"What were the major effects of school desegregation in the 1960's U.S.?" (broad and generic) 

"To what extent did presidential administration x enforce Brown vs. the Board of Education" (I actually remember being given an example essay of this with LBJ as the focus so be careful with him otherwise this should be good"

"Had the U.S. successfully desegregated by year?" (interesting question, I worded it like that because you cannot use anything within the last ten years so it has to be a contemporary analysis only.


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