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Physics EE- Aerofoils


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I'm doing my EE in physics and I've got some questions. Some of these may seem very basic, but my supervisor is a biology teacher, courtesy of some very interesting reasoning by the EE coordinator at school. My current research question is related to how chord length influences lift generated by an aerofoil. My questions are:

  • Is this too simple, since it only looks at one variable. Would it make sense to expand the question?
  • How should a Physics EE be constructed? I've already read the EE guide, but it still didn't make sense to me.
  • What else should I know about doing a physics EE? Just general advice you may have for a physics EE. 

 Thanks in advance

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Hey GK1,

I did my EE in physics too, and there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind when writing your EE and research question.


  • The research question needs to be precise but broad. Yours works very well I think, but if you can make it slightly more precise, it would ensure that the EE examiner won't mark you down. Science EEs are very strict like that, so adding another variable or perhaps looking at other applications can help to expand that question.
  • Yes I think it is too simple, mainly because one variable is not enough for 4000 words, they are a lot. Once you get the topic going, they might cut down. But it's better to have a topic you write more than 4000 words about and cut down the words, than one you write less than 4000 words about and try to lengthen it. 
  • Physics EEs aren't just experiments or long IAs, they look at the future more. Meaning that you don't just look a the experiment, but also it's applications, its background. How it influences society, etc. So you broaden the topic by looking at other applications or other possible variables that influence this experiment, and then talk about those.
  • A physics EE is constructed much like an IA, meaning Intro - Background - Section 1, in this case the experiment - Section 2, perhaps the outside applications - Conclusion
  • Lastly, you have to love it. I love physics, and I loved doing my EE on metal foams, it was an incredible experience, and its demanding. So you have to be sure you like this topic before delving deeper. But if you do, you'll make something great, for sure. Physics is hard to love, but if you love it, the work will seem worth it
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