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What exactly is a Group 4 project?


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My physics teacher told our class that we need to do a group 4 project and that our topic is swimming. I don't know what we need to do for the project. I've asked some of the kids in our class and we don't know, so we tried asking the teacher, but he didn't really explain to us. All I know is that we need to log 10 hours doing this project, but otherwise I have no clue. Please help! Thanks!

What exactly do I neeed to do for the project? My group and I don't know what we need to do so it is hard to get it done? Can you please explain what is expected to be included in this and what we need to do that would be great. Thanks!

Edited by sportslover2406
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Actually, I don't believe that the Group 4 is worth anything in terms of IB..it's mandatory to complete it, but the your IA is made up entirely of your labs.

Basically Group 4 doesn't count for anything in IB-land, so don't stress out too much about it. Your school may choose for it to count towards your regular mark though.

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