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Sehrish Ahmed

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I would argue that one of his worst errors was the Russo-Japaanese war. Whilst he didn't technically start the war, he didn't do a lot to prevent either. Japan was willing to negotiate with Russia over hostilities regarding territories in China, Japan proposed that Japan a solution where she would have control over Korea and Russia would have Control of Manchuria, but the proposal was ignored so Japan went to war. Many Historians believed the Tsar and his government wanted to go to war in order to increase domestic support but after its failure it lead to a series of peace protests in which the Tsar responded violently-another one of his mistakes as this lead to the 1905 revolution which forced to give some power to the Duma (he ignored it for the most part). "Bloody Sunday (1905)" would also affect how Russians viewed the Tsar.

Another mistake one can argue is the amount of power he gave Rasputin. 

However I would argue that the gravest mistakes he made were during WW1. Germany declared war on Russia when Russia mobilised her forces. The Tsar used this as an excuse to justify increasing his political power. When the Ottoman empire joined the war, she blocked Russia fleets from entering the Dardanelles-as a part of economic warfare similar to the naval blockade Britain imposed on Germany. This lead to food shortages in Russia which would eventually help lead to the February revolution. Another mistake the Tsar made was taking personal command of his forces as this linked to him to Russia's mistakes in the war. 

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