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Hi Everyone,

For my Maths IA do you think that looking at some of the different predictive models explored used in tennis (e.g. O'Malley etc.) & applying them to past tournaments would be a feasible IA topic. I would then compare them based on accuracy and ease of use?

Thanks in advance 

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It would be helpful to know what math you're taking, so we can see if your proposed idea is commensurate with that course.

Anyways, predictive models definitely involve a decent amount of mathematics. However, you should cautiously approach it, as it is very easy to venture into physics and/or computer science when talking about application towards a sport like tennis. I'm not sure what you mean by "ease of use", but that sounds very much like a simulation design topic, which would involve more code than math. Accuracy would be quite simple to calculate with a few probability formulas, so unless you can put a spin on that (no pun intended), I don't think the math will be sufficient enough for an IA (well...maybe for studies).


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Given that I took HL and barely understood that article, I'd say the math is definitely up to standards.

The only thing is, Markov chains and statistical modelling is closely related to ComSci (I had a friend who did something similar, and kinda got screwed). However, as long as you focus on the statistical aspect (I wrote mine on statistical modelling and baseball), and talk about the the characteristics of the models with reference to mathematical concepts (dispersion etc.), then it should be fine.

Definitely a very interesting topic, best of luck!

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I would say the content is fairly doable by an SL student. Remember that IB does not really care about pages of number crunching but that you understand the theory behind the formulae. Even if you do use a Markhov Chain, it is much important to explain how to solve it rather than the actual solving. 

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