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I need confirmation on my RQ!!! PLEASE HELP!!!

Meg Takara

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I have around 3 weeks until I need to turn in my final draft of my extended essay, and I am just now starting. I know I shouldn't have procrastinated, but I did and now I have to deal with the consequences. Anyways, I know my topic will be on Dirty Realism (a style of writing that depicts the more mundane aspects of ordinary life), and I know that I will include writers like Richard Wright and Tobias Wolff in my essay. Now what I don't know is my research question. I have two in mind:

1. How does Richard Wright and Tobias Wolff use Dirty Realism in their works?

2. What is the role of Dirty Realism in Richard Wright and Tobias Wolff's works? 

Are either of these any good? And if not, what changes should I make to these questions?

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OK so I feel you with the extended essay, so heres some advice I can give you. 

How is the structure of your essay going to be? Each body paragraph should link to each other in a way, and your conclusion should tie the 3 of them together and answer the research question. Ask yourself "What is the role of Dirty Realism in Richard Wright and Tobias Wolff's works?" do you have an answer for that? do you know what your main argument is(what point are you trying to make?) Also, it might be helpful to choose a book from each author instead of saying "works" because it might be too general. But overall your question seems fine, but you should make sure your essay answers your question. If you choose the first one, you should make sure it answers how they use it. If you choose the second one, you should make sure your essay shows the role of dirty realism. I know this is obvious, but its something we all miss.

I dont know if this helped at all... but i hope it did. 


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