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Projected grades


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Hey everyone,

I really need some advice. We just got our projected grades today and I am so disappointed in myself. I’m passing, but I’m barely passing and the whole few weeks leading up to our exams was incredibly stressful. I mean I slept for maybe 1-3 hours on average a night. I know I didn’t work hard enough, I told myself to not be surprised if I saw low scores, but they still felt like a punch to the gut. Now I understand these are only projected grades. Universities look at predicted scores right? I can’t change the past, but are there still any chances of improving the grades universities will look at? Can anyone explain projected and predicted grades a bit more thoroughly to me? We still haven’t done our IAs if that’s anything. I just feel so discouraged and unmotivated and depressed and I’m so close to just giving up. I really need to change my study habits and although level 7s in every course seem unachievable to me right now, I really need to aim higher if I want to get into the university of my choice. I don’t know what to do, I lie in bed too often and just think too much. I used to be a better student but I think Math last year just broke me somehow and it’s so hard to be positive. I really hate myself right now and I truly regret doing the IB. If you’ve read through all this, thank you. If you have any advice to offer, or answers to any of my questions, I would be delighted if you shared them. 

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First, being kind to yourself is really important. It sounds cheesy, but if you able to leave the leave the pass behind you will be much more likely to adopt better study habits in the future. I know the IB seems really important to you right now and so does getting into your first choice university, but in the grand scheme of things, they aren't that important. Don't beat yourself up.

When eliminating distractions, we all have different methods. Be honest with yourself. Do work first, then relax later. Don't try for unattainable goals. Set aside a reasonable amount of time. Study, do work, etc. and then give yourself a rest or break, then continue studying. I find that being really rigid with distractions (I don't even look at texts. If you don't glance at it, you won't have the temptation to respond, text more, go on social media, etc. You can even set it to do not disturb.) Also, sleep is extremely important. Pick a time when you are going to go to bed, rather than sitting over and not doing it late into the night.

Good luck and don't worry too much. Motivation is good, stress and preoccupation aren't. 

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