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Tariff small importing country

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I am doing my economics commentary and I was wondering about the tariff diagram:

For a small importing country 'A' that has a trade agreement with a large country 'B' to eliminate tariffs on country B's exports to country A, how would you draw the tariff diagram?

For the Sw curve would you instead denote it as Scountry B? And would the curve be perfectly elastic for the Supply-curve if country B is a "large" country?

Thanks so much for any help! All input is appreciated. 


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So this is a rather interesting question. I see two ways to answer it.

(A) You make the assumption that S countryB  is perfectly inelastic, as there are a lot of competitors for export. Personally, I like this way of answering it. Just shift the tariff line out altogether.

(B) You draw a regular Supply curve and shift it out. This would, however, be a bit trickier to draw. 


Hope this makes sense (and that I understood your question)

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Thank you so much. However, now I have another much simpler question for you if you have time:

Let's say there are two small countries (e.g. Norway and Zimbabwe). Norway decides to eliminate a tariff that it had previously placed on coffee that it imports from Zimbabwe. How would you draw the diagram for what takes place - and specifically, how would you draw/label Zimbabwe's supply curve for coffee in this diagram?

All help is appreciated. 

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