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Freshman Year of SL and Mental Health

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Hey, I just want to be sure that I'm not in over my head when I transferred from a public school to a charter, that offers IB. 

I usually have good motivational tendencies and coping with depression off my female monthly event, but I realized that I had not taken into account that my depression is exacerbated greatly during that period of time. 

I think that my emotional stress every month grants me a disadvantage that will not prove fruitful if I stay in the program.

I do well in all of my SL courses except Biology because the teacher rushes everything, usually not telling us at the very least the core ideas we should know for our exam; which got pushed back from May to April.

Will there be any repercussions if I drop out in the beginning of sophomore year? I can't drop out at the end of freshman year since I legitimately transferred in from the 3rd quarter of the 2nd semester. Additionally, the transition is causing me to make up for all of the covered IB information in courses (Semester 1 and previous quarters) since my public school did not offer that kind of education.


Edited by Mentallythrown
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I'm a little confused by your wording - freshman year of IB, exams in May 2021, SL courses, and the exam being "pushed back" from May to April?

It sounds like you're in MYP, which is a five year programme for students aged 11-16, that does not have SL and HL courses, and exams (eAssessments), like DP exams, are on an official, scheduled period (November and May sessions). The exams can't be moved back. Also, freshmen can't take the DP, because it's for 16-19 year old students, and in the US, that's typically kept for juniors and seniors.

Dropping out of IB shouldn't have any real repercussions on you, technically. If you paid for any specific IB things (exams), you'll likely lose the money. The only repercussions I can think of are ones that could occur within your school, which, only you'd know about.

It sounds like your school isn't being clear and up-front with you guys about what you're actually taking and doing, and is enforcing their own parameters on the programme, but telling you guys it's the IB way. So yikes about that. Good luck, friend.

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