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Hello guys,

I need an interesting bio hl topic for my IA. I was thinking about something connected with allelopathy, for example, planting mint and cucumber near each other and measuring how the cucumber is affected, maybe adding different temperatures so it wouldn't seem so easy? or something with essential oils and how they affect the growth of different plants but I don't really know which I could choose. What do you guys think? 

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Those both sound okay, but I'm slightly skeptical of the planting of mint and cucumber near each other. I guess if you did a chi-squared test of them that would make it more sophisticated and quantifiable? Make sure you know how to deeply analyze whatever data you get. If you don't know why mint would impact cucumber growth, I would recommend staying away from it. This was a big issue for my IA, I choose a topic that had a solid method, and okay data, but when it came to analysis, there was nothing deep to conclude (I basically just measured some nutrition values of a certain food and reported about them). The essential oil idea sounds interesting, once again just make sure you have an idea of the ways in which essential oils may influence the process of plant growth. 

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