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Chem IA: help needed ASAP


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Hey there!

I am planning to do a chem ia about the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide and going to give an answer to the best catalyst in this reaction.

My point for the personal engagement is that I burned myself with hydrogen peroxide, so I want to know the fastest way to make the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide smaller. 

My teacher says that people can argue that adding water is another way, so she thinks i dont need to know this.

Also, she says that oxygen is more dangerous so why decompose it?

So......what should I do? do you think I need to think of something else?

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Personal engagement doesn't evaluate how the topic relates to you. It is rather to what extent you are able to modify or even improve upon an existing procedure. That is, you are engaging with the investigation.

However, your teacher will be grading the IA primarily, so a downside of the system is that you have to abide by her standards first. She appears to suggest researching importance of this reaction: this may increase PE as well if you modify your procedures to test a specific application. 

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