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Subject Advice: Chem SL vs Art SL vs Film SL (Online)


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So I'm considering dropping Chem HL down to either Chem SL, Art SL, or Film SL (Online).

I'm thinking of studying computer science but I found out that I don't actually need Chem for the universities I'm planning on applying too. I would say that I'm more creative than technical (Math and etc) but I love technology (interested in VR and design aspect of tech).

I'm starting to struggle in Chem HL because my teacher isn't good but I have tried self studying but I don't think I can maintain good grades if I continue. (Also my math and physics teacher isn't good as well so I have to study for that).

Because of this I'm considering switching up my courses but I can't decide what to choose, either way I'll end up having English HL as my new HL.

Here are the current statuses of the classes:

[If I stay] Chem HL: Fav Science, Bad Teacher, A lot of content to catch up on

Chem SL: I'm ahead of them in terms of content but I don't know how good the class's teacher is, apparently they are doing a lab rn

Art SL: The art class has already done 8-10 experiments, made 3 art slides, and starting their artist research

Film SL: Online class, Extra 1000$ fee per year, I like how it's independent coz I can schedule myself and I work better on my own (easier to focus), I also have prior experience in editing and making videos

So what do you guys think I should do?

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