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Narrowing Down History IA Question/Topic


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Hi there! 

I'm currently trying to create a good research question for my History IA but I'm not too sure if it specific enough. 

To what extent did the launch of Sputnik shift the US and USSR from violent resort through the nuclear arms race? (or should I put "through mutual assured destruction"?)

I'm going to create more questions, but as of now, it's the very first question I've come up with. I feel like it's still a bit too broad but I want to get multiple opinions before I show it to my teacher. Please reply about originality too! :) 


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Thanks for the feedback! I also have some other questions in mind. I have to have a total of three questions ready to show to my teacher soon, so I'm trying to form more than 3 to choose from. Some of them are different versions of the same topic, I'm trying to experiment which question may be more specific or better in terms of research.

To what extent did the economic status of wealthy passengers help increase their survival rate during the sinking of the Titanic?

To what extent did James Cameron’s film Titanic accurately portray the impact of economic status on evacuating passengers during the sinking of the ship? 

To what extent did Joe McCarthy start the Second Red Scare for personal benefit through the influence of McCarthyism? (I feel like this one is too broad)

How useful was the Rosenberg trials in politically benefiting Joe McCarthy in context of the spread of McCarthyism? 


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I personally don't like three because of its phrasing (hypothesizing about the motives of historical figures can be a valid essay topic, but it seems a bit too likely to lead to conjecture in this particular case. I'd recommend shying away from it and instead focus on something more analyzable like the effects of something). Four is okay. Two is is a bad version of one. One is okay.

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I don't remember the exact question but was something along the lines of what was the principal concern of the British intelligentsia (a word I've never said out loud despite reading it and writing it loads of times) between WWI and WWII? IB didn't like how anthropological and social-sciency my essay was, not to mention my analysis of books. Stick to history kids.

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