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Hi guys, my EE sort of 'proposal' due date where we seriously consult to the EE supervisors and all that are next week's Wednesday, and honestly I'm still so so confused and I need help or just some suggestions or anything, please.

Here are the subjects I am taking: Economics HL, Mathematics HL, Physics HL, Chemistry SL, English A SL, MandarinAB.

So, since the start, I've always intended on taking Economics EE because from all my other subjects, it seemed impossible for me. (I've been getting rock bottom scores for Math and the school have no more supervisors for Physics). So, I've been researching a lot for like a few months now, but until now I've got nothing. Initially, I wanted to do about impact of K-Pop in Korea's economy, which would certainly interest me,  but the Econs EE supervisor said to do something related to your country, and I'm an Indonesian. 

I've also searched about topics like tourism, transport, food, etc, but it's really hard for me to relate it to the economics concept especially when it's like about a particular brand like for example McD, etc. And lots of people say that it's leaning more towards Business, and I don't take Business.

My economics EE supervisor has been chasing me and all that about topics topics and topics for Econs since he knows that I want to take it, but yesterday he talked to me and said that it's really important for everyone to do an EE on a topic that will surely interest us and something that you are passionate about.

He kept on also encouraging the whole class to take a Language EE, like Indonesian B and the subject allows you to talk about a wide range of things like analysing songs, brochures, ads and all that, etc. So, I was quite persuaded by that and I really want to do on something about K-Pop. So, I noticed I could write about K-Pop on these language EEs, but the problem is I don't take Indonesian B and I don't take English A HL (I take A SL), so it would surely be a challenge for me.

Even though Indonesian is my first language, I don't know if I could write well, but I really feel like I wanna do this you know, or maybe do English A EE.

Another problem is, I don't know how I could relate the topic of K-Pop to these language EEs, can anyone maybe share me your thoughts on my issue please? I really need help. :(


Thank you!!... 

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