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Extended Essay- Physics and Chemistry (mostly)


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I need to change my RQ a little bit probably... 

I know it is not good to make an EE of science without doing experiments yourself, but I won't change my mind.

My RQ is Why are the physicochemical effects of celestial bodies important to generation of life?

I will narrow the life,  but I don't know if I should focus on a certain physical or chemical effect, since the information might not be enough. Celestial bodies I think maybe using one astro, or using more and comparing them.(I think Jovial and/or Saturnine systems).

Would appreciate some help...

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Avoid at all costs wording along the lines of "why is ... important". If you think a particular effect is important, then you should mention it. A better question would be "How does the ... effect contribute to the understanding of ...", or "How can the ... effect be applied in ..." I do not know what you meant by "generation of life"? Do you just mean life as in our daily lives, or life as in bahaviors of organisms? Just pick either physics or chemistry (probably physics) and don't go into multidisciplinary discussions, unless you are doing a global social issue for World Studies.

I suggest that you do some preliminary background researches, because you need to know exactly what you are doing for a group 4 EE, even more so when you are not doing an experiment. 

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I get what you mean. Focusing in a specific effect (this is certainly a need, but the thing about this question is that one effect is linked to other, temperature for example is completely dependent on pressure and volume); changing from "why"(I expected that); picking physics or chemistry (this is a problem, since unfortunately my school doesn't have a physics teacher, and that is why I chose physicochemical instead of choosing one of them--I would also choose on physics) and doing research (I did quite some research on the overall answers I could have and the things that affect generation of life, and that is why I chose this question, there is plenty of effects to talk about, plenty of experiments made by NASA and such). Generation of life means capacity of growth and reproduction (there will be a paragraph in the essay explaining about the definition).

A question that I thought was the probability of life in such place (be it solar system, jovial system or maybe just an astro), taking in consideration life on earth, and the absence of life in other places, as well as the physical effects on the body.

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If your school does not have a physics teacher, you should not do the EE in physics. A supervisor is there to make sure you are on the right track. Astrophysics is pretty complex and you want a professional who's there to guide you and make sure what you are presenting makes sense. The topic is not narrow enough as of yet. 

Remember that EE is about depth, not breadth. You can certainly discuss multiple effects but it is better to thoroughly investigate one of them. It is very, very difficult to discuss three or more effects at the depth IB is looking for in the EE. IF you are still insisting on continuing in physics, you should pick ONE specific criterion for life in space. EE is about analysis, not a recount of everything you can find on the topic. You need to demonstrate a strong understanding of physics and explain it well. If you are not taking physics, I highly discourage you from doing EE in physics, especially when there's not even a physics teacher at your school.

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I understand your advices. I was having problems to find a question since my area of study will be greatly related to astrophysics, so I tried to find something related to physics (I was annoyed by the thought of doing the essay on something I don´t really appreciate.) It happened to be hard to find, but I recently found an article an started looking for the possibility of doing a RQ on that, precisely, life in other bodies.

As for the depth, I was considering focusing in bodies instead of in effects, that might be an effective way to narrow but still keep the study on generation of life.

Other question related to it as I said would be the probability of existence of life in somewhere, focusing more in the relation between earth's evolution and the other body.

Thanks for answering

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