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so time to mf rant. I'm in pre-in and have a math exam on January 28 and basically, I don't know wtf is going on ?!?!?! I suck at math and I'm barely making it, I've been procrastinating this whole semester and now is catching up to me . my average is really bad and I wanna die. All I want is for someone to tell me they have been in my position or even someone to cry with

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First; I'm sorry to hear about how you feel and hope to make you feel a little bit better. All of us procrastinate, in some form or another. So we certainly can relate to being in this position.

I want to say a few things, but I'll start off with the most important thing. I'd recommend telling someone you trust about how you feel (a friend from IB, a family member, even an acquaintance). It's good that you wrote this post, and from experience I know that talking to this person in real life (over the phone or in-person) is perhaps the most calming and helpful thing, and one that will put things in perspective. 

It seems like you're now at a phase where you're being unkind to yourself because you're mad at yourself. Don't be. it's okay. Like I said, everyone procrastinates. It's a natural reaction. Obviously, life is sometimes less stressful if you don't, but if you do it's no big deal.

If your test is January 28th, you have tons of time. Just do a little extra each day of old material to get caught up and stay on top of new material. Also, you're very young; I hate to go semi-nihilist on you, but Pre-IB grades don't matter 😉. Even if you were in IB/University/professional life, it would still be fine. You naturally put a lot of stock into your grades in school because this has been a main focus of your life but as you get older you realize that it's important but to a point. It's fine if math isn't your favourite/best subject. Going through school is where you realize you can't be the best at everything

The last thing I want to say is that–and this is related to perspective–you should maybe consider a bit more carefully thinking or saying "I wanna die". I know it can be a metaphorical turn-of-phrase and all, but as you go on (don't worry, I also lacked perspective) you realize that these things are just blips and you have to try to stay even-keel. Life isn't about going from one success to another. We all experience adversity and failure. But failure is fine. Everything in life is transitory.

Enjoy break (seriously), consider trying to do a bit of extra work in math (but only a small amount), and please be kind to yourself. The past is the past. And reach out to your friend or whomever. This is just one little tiny thing in your life right now, you'll work a bit on it and do alright, and it shouldn't mar everything else. Happy holidays.

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