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Queer Studies


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So I'm trying to come up with a topic for my EE, and I really am wanting to work with queer studies, but I haven't taken a straight forward anthropology class, so is that a problem? I've taken a year-long class called 'Values and Beliefs' and I generally do independent studies into social issues and value systems along with a volunteer job that deals directly with social issues and queer issues, so I feel that I can generally keep up with terminology. I also feel that my experiences as a member of the LGBT community and work within the queer community give me a fair amount of background information. I want to do my essay on either the social implications of homosexuality and transgenderism being classified as mental illnesses or sexism within the trans community. (Obviously, these would be refined). Should I go in a completely different direction?? AAAaaAaaAA I have no idea what I'm doing. I do have some backup plans that still are slightly interesting to me but less comfortable for me to write an essay about. 

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I would definitely talk to your EE Coordinator if you have one. There are a few approaches you could go with: LGBT in History (choose a time period, location, etc. that you’re interested in, and your EE Supervisor in that category can help you out) or EE in World Studies (you don’t have to choose something that happened over 10 years ago). My advice to you is to think about a broad topic you can apply your interests to before narrowing things down even further. Talk to your peers/your teachers and get their input. There are a lot of different directions that you can go in, but you want to ensure that your EE has a topic to call home. 

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