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I don't really know how to create a good KQ with this information.. Please help me! 

RLS: "Jilly Juice" - A juice that is created by Jillian Epperly, claims that it can cure "Candida" the "root "of all diseases. It's created with very dangerous amounts of salt and cabbage, and many people believed that it cured them of their disease. Many also claimed that it worsened their condition. According to doctors and health specialists, when consumed everyday, it can kill you; but her followers believe otherwise and continue consuming the juice.

source: https://www.newsweek.com/jillian-mai-thi-epperly-claims-cabbage-juice-cures-autism-homosexuality-and-909737

AOK: Natural Science / Religious Knowledge Systems /Ethics

starter KQ: To what extent can our emotions affect our perception of knowledge?

How can I change this? ^ what can I do to make it better?

-People are blinded by their beliefs and chose to believe someone that doesn't have the credentials to prove that it is true

-experts can prove that her claims are false

-People are looking for a solution to solve their problems, emotion drives them to disregard evidence

if you have any more advice or other things to fix please let me know.

Thank you! -M



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