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I'm currently a junior in high school and just completed my assessments last week. I just got back my results and I'm so upset. I'm failing SL math. It's a really hard class and just when I thought I was doing better I get an IB 3. I think my predicted will be an IB 3 and I don't even think that's a passing grade. I don't know what to do. Should I drop to Studies or not? I feel so stupid and I'm not doing as well as I want to and it's my fault to the extent where I should be putting more work but I'm also dealing with things outside school and it's very hard for me to balance that. I was also doing well in Econ (IB 6) then I suddenly get an IB 3 on my final... I feel so stressed and scared i feel like no university will accept me and I just need some advice. Anything. 


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Hi Lulu,

First of all, take a deep breath.  The IB is really, really hard! A 3 is likely not a failing grade, depending on your other scores  There are many universities that will take you, though obviously we would all like the 3 to be a 5! 

Work with your teacher on what topics you need to review this summer, as well as any foreseeable problem areas for next's year syllabus. Work through past papers to self-identify areas that you need to shore up. 

Lastly, if you and your teacher feel there are too many topics that you will struggle with, look into dropping to Math Studies.  Nothing in life is worth being so down on. I say this as a former DP English Lit and ToK teacher, university counselor, MYP/DP Coordinator and principal of IB schools. I now work full time to support students such as yourself, with the DP, essay writing and university counseling.



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