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Forum Rules - Important! - READ!

Survival Robot

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Hi everyone!

That dreaded month is here and it’s time for your final IB exams! We’d like to just remind you of some rules regarding exam discussions.

1. Though you’re perfectly free to discuss exam papers, keep in mind the strict 24-hours rule. This means you cannot discuss any part of an exam paper with anyone outside of your school community before 24 hours had passed since the end time of the exam. In other words, before the 24 hours had passed, you cannot in anyway discuss the exam, even if it’s just to say you found it hard or easy.

2. Please keep ALL your discussion of exam papers in the Exam Discussion forum. Each exam paper should have its own separate thread in the Exam Discussion forum. Any discussion of exam material in any other forum than Exam Discussion will be deleted. If such discussion takes place before 24 hours had passed since exam time, the poster will be immediately warned or banned, depending on the severity of information divulged.

3. We will be calculating discussion time according to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). As the IB dictates that morning exams cannot end later than 13:00 and afternoon exams cannot end later than 18:00, we will be using these times to calculate your discussion start time. This means, for all morning exams, discussions will begin at 13:00 GMT of the day after the exam. Similarly, with afternoon exam, discussions will begin at 18:00 GMT of the day after the exam.

4. All new threads in the Exam Discussion forum are subject to moderation before they are made visible on the forum. This means when you start a thread in Exam Discussion, you will not see the thread until we’ve approved of it. So when starting a thread in Exam Discussion, start 1 thread per paper only. We will come and approve of the thread later! Do not make multiple threads just because you don’t see the first one you made.

5. There is a timetable of the dates and times when you can begin discussion the different exam papers here. Check the timetable just to see the approximate time when you will be allowed to discuss certain exams.

As within the Exam Discussion forum, all new threads are subject to moderation, you cannot start discussion until admins/mods approve of them anyway, the timetable is just there for your consultation.

Please understand that we have these strict rules not because we don’t trust you to be responsible, but because we want to make sure things are as fair as possible for everyone. Sometimes exam information can be divulged through casual off-hand comments that are not meant to give any information at all.

The 24-hours discussion rule is a standard rule set by the IBO so we feel we have the responsibility to make sure it is carried out here. Just be aware that while you are on IBSurvival, time zone cheating will not, in any manner, be tolerated.

Thank you.

Good luck with all your exams! biggrin.gif

Best wishes,

IBSurvival Team

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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

It is actually an IB rule, and the site moderators are respecting that rule to make exams fair for everyone.

Actually this is an old rule, because before 2002 papers were the same for all timezones of the world, however if you checked for past papers you will see that nowadays a different paper is used for each timezone (you could still copy sne in your timezone but who knows which one you are?). So actally even if you tried there are 3 different exams for each paper of each subject distributed along the world (at least I think they are three TZ1- time zone 1 TZ2 time zone 2 TZ3- time zone3) you can see this for yourself in the code of past papers.

Just don´t talk and keep your slate clean :blink:

Edited by Ib4ever
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  • 11 months later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

The 24-hour rule doesn't make much sense, considering there are 3 time zones now (I think, since my Psychology exam said TZ0).

As has been mentioned above, TZ1= Asia & Europe, TZ2 = America (possibly the other way round, can't remember off the top of my head) and TZ0 means that they've not made 2 different papers for that examination. So there's no TZ1 and no TZ2, there's just a single copy of that paper. People in Europe and people in the US, Australia, etc. will both sit exactly the same examination paper. TZ0 exists for subjects where there aren't many people sitting it (generally) and so the IBO can't be bothered to make 2 copies of the exam. Or something like that. Therefore the 24 hour rule in fact makes a lot of sense! People all over the world will be sitting your Psychology paper at different times and had the exact same set of questions.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...

The most difficult TZ is TZ1, right?

Not necessarily. I've done practice exams where TZ1 was easy and TZ2 was really hard, and vice versa. IB tries to make the exams for different time zones of comparable difficulty, which means one shouldn't be necessarily harder than the other. However, if this ends up happening, each time zone has its own mark boundaries which are adjusted accordingly based on how that time zone does.

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  • 1 year later...

It's much simpler, TZ1 is America and TZ2 Europe and Asia, they have these time zones because all these places take the exams in May so they need different questions (even if the topics are the same). Instead TZ0 is the November exams as only Australia, New Zeland etc. have their exams at that time. The 24h rule is on because some questions might be the same or very similar so no one will have an advantage in the others when taking their exams

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