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Please help me choosing a title for my Physics EE


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I would really love to write an EE on particle physics, somehow involving the Higgs boson particle or dark energy. I was thinking of maybe discussing the effect the discovery would have on the Standard Model, but my issue is that (as far as I now) I should preferably include an experiment, and I really have no idea as to how to do that (as my access to particle accelerators and the like is pretty much non-existent). Any suggestions for experiments?

Thanks beforehand...

Edit: I'm not actually looking for titles, rather ideas as to how I could possibly write an EE on the topic (in terms of research).

Edited by HelenaStage
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Some topics aren't doable for EE's, and that applies to a lot of areas of science where the equipment needed for experiments is not available to students/ the EE is purely research-based. The EE criteria doesn't cater for all kinds of research questions that people come up with. Unless you/someone else can think of a practical way to test theories involving dark matter, I don't think you will be able to do the topic.

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We can't provide you with a title. Keep your essay title as narrow as possible so that you can only write 4000 words.

Terribly sorry. Would you happen to have any ideas for doable experiments concerning particle physics, dark energy/ dark matter?

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Bur, if I recall correctly, it's possible to write theorethical EEs. Don't know how that works, but you don't have to conduct experiments.

You're right.

However, experimental science EEs tend to score better than the theoretical ones.

I'd say choose a simpler topic. Something that can easily be done in a school science lab.

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