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I had like 9 free classes a week or something, I basically had no class on thursdays except for triple chem the last 3 blocks! that including an extra after school class...

I spent them all in the art room, catching up for all the classes I missed the first year :P so not worth it! should've spent it doing something useful

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Most of the people in my IB programme have spare blocks. I think most people end up wasting their time during it. Many people play games on the computer during it. Sometimes I'll be able to use my spare effectively, but at many other times I get distracted by other people, especially when all your friends are fooling around. I'm considering walking down to the local library in spare instead, even though it takes longer....at least it's easier to focus.

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Trust me, you do not want to have the schedule like I do. You know why? Because every day we have the same classes in the same order (8 of them) and we end school at 3:30 p.m. This is horrible because each teacher thinks that their class is the most important and expects everyone to have homework done. Its terrible!!

So very very true. At least I only have 4 classes per day! But each teacher assumes that there is not much work for other classes and practically demand that you spend the most time working on their class. As a result, at least one class gets a slack of time for me. Usually it's History :P

But I would kill for spare "block" or "period" or what have you. Any block of time during the day from which I can get a break from actual class time and just catch up would be nice.

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What is this spare thing?

Read the following:

Definitions of spare on the Web:

not taken up by scheduled activities; "a free hour between classes"; "spare time on my hands"

We call it free periods in my school, btw. All the certificate students here do have free periods but they usually have tutorials on some of those periods. The diploma students who are taking Group 4 (Physics/Biology) SL have 2 free periods a week (last 2 periods on Friday, can go home earlier. during this time, the teachers teach the HL topics) while the diploma students who are taking Group 4 HL (4 people, including me!!) have no free period!!! 3 of us fortunately are taking Chemistry SL (it's put under Group 6 for some timetable reasons). The HL and SL classes are combined. Our Chem teacher tries to finish all SL topics first each quarter and after that she will teach the HL topics and the SL students can go to the library or computer lab to finish our lab reports. This is our only 'free periods' which I do not really consider as spares :D

I wish I had (more) free periods. I'd really use the time to go to IBS, do my HW or probably sleep.

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IB students at my school seem to function just fine without spares. The people who do have them don't get much done during them anyway; the only time they make use of them is to do some last minute studying if there's a test that day.

Personally I try to do homework but the only way I can focus is if I work alone in the library cubicles. Otherwise I just end up talking away...

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