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My world Lit is due soon & I was wondering if I could get some feedback on my topic.

it is "How do the protagonists in both Accidental Death of an Anarchist and Death and the Maiden use facade to accomplish their ultimate goal?"

Im going to compare how they both use deception- by changing their personalities, weapons- they use them to instil fear, and trust- they build trust so it works to their advantage.

& i was wondering if explaining my point would be enough - or does IB prefer that you use literary features (like diction, imagery, etc) ?

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IB prefers whatever works best for the two books/author's points you are comparing. IB wants you to incorporate anything that can make you seem knowledgeable about your topic and about World Literature and the culture of the Book, and although I have not read either of those books, I would assume that diction and imagery should be present in both books. If the diction and imagery in both books parallel or have any relationship, then it would be nice to bring that up, even if it refutes your thesis (mention how it is insignificant or why it can be ignored or be proved void). So really, try to use literary terms to back up your main point. More comparisons is always better, but make sure to organize your essay so it is not repetitive and don't ignore anything that contradicts your thesis.

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WL2 is super focused on literary features. For WL1, not so much. Like 2401 said, talking about them can really help you analyze, but you don't have to be as obvious that you're using lit devices in WL1. You can focus on the plot/characters/whatever you choose. And I like your topic. It's specific, and I can imagine some interesting 'so what?' conclusions.

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