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World Litt Assignment 1


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I am writing my world lit paper, my topic is how the author evokes sympathy of the reader through though perspective, knowledge, and through the help of others. in Chronicles of a Death Foretold and Medea.

Sympathy is for Santiago Nassar and Medea.

I really need help finding quotes,

Thus, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


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I'm a bit confused. Do you have the two books with you? If not, go to sparknotes.com because it'll normally have five important quotations that it analyzes. Maybe purplemonkey.com does the same thing? I'm not sure. The best thing to do is to get the books by buying [Amazon.com?] or borrowing [from an older IB student or the local library] them.

If you do have the books, then what's the problem?

If you can't find enough quotations that support your arguments, then you might benefit from doing this:

1. Go through the plot in your head or write it down or sparknote it.

2. Critically examine how the author is doing what you're arguing throughout the plot.

3. Now look up the passages in the book. You might even recall something that seemed minor but is relevant to your argument.

This is why it really helps to annotate your book. However, you also need to know the balance. If you underline and make comments about everything, then you won't be able to scan through your book efficiently. So you have to figure out what works for you. I highlight quotations that seem important and make me go 'Wow!' and I put question marks for paragraphs I don't understand and write notes when I think I see what an author is doing. I don't bother marking characterization. There's so much of it!

And if you haven't read your works and this is why you need help finding quotations, then we can't help you there because that's cheating.

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Since I haven't read these books, I won't ask what you're going into to try to help haha

But let's see...

You know that you don't need 1500 words, right? Yeah, you might be safer if you have at least 1350 words, but it really depends on how concise you are.

Also, I think that 2-3 quotations are enough for one point. And people normally make 2-3 points in a paper. If you're making two points, then you should try to have 3-4 quotations. If you're doing 3 points, three quotations should be enough.

I wouldn't add extra, irrelevant words into your quotation just to increase the word limit, either.

Do you have at least 5 quotations in your entire paper? When you were thinking of what topic to do, you thought of this topic because you saw it in the works, right? Try to remember back for what you were thinking. Also, just scan your books again. Dialogues in your books might prove useful.

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I scanned through my books and found plenty of quotes, my teacher said we couldn't use the traditional this quote said....

Do you have any advice on what i could say?


One of the good essay writing skills is the ability to integrate quotes well into what you're saying -- and generally being able to integrate everything together. So look at the point you're trying to make and then merge it all into one so you don't go "this quote said..." because that's the WL equivalent of "the cat sat on the mat". Say you're trying to make a point about... oh I dunno, the way in which author A portrays the theme of death. It could be something like "In order to evoke a profound sense of atmosphere, Author A makes great use of pathetic fallacy, describing the trees as "crushed by the weight of time", a phrase which carries with it a sense of a transcendent landscape in which human life is comparatively short... etc etc etc". Basically you want to integrate it in just by the way you write it. Not only do you more efficiently fill your word count, it also sounds less simplistic and sounds like better writing :P

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