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Type I -- Infinite Summation


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dude what thesis? Everybody answers the same question or statement. You investigate a statement concerning an area of maths. The titles are prescribed. The IB prescribes 4 titles for each IA type.

I'm working on the Infinite Summation SL Type 1 task. Would you not call this an IA? If not, then sorry I misnamed it. But I DO need a thesis/problem/question, whatever it is that you wish to call it.

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Lilie; No, it is completely different.

maumauman; Are you using Excel or something similar for the calculations? If so, check that there are no errors in your function :P

I got ax as well? I tried with different a and x but they all seem to prove that t9(a,x)=ax. I used Exel to calculate. So for instance, when a=2 and x=10, I typed:

"=((10)*LN(2)^A4)/FACT(A4)". A4 being the n term. I don't know what I typed wrong though 'cause it seem to work....?

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I just got my IA today.. and i still have app. 2 weeks to do it.. my teacher in school told me to do it in excel.. but i dont understand anything. can anyone help me? please?

Hey art HL buddy! It's nice to see a visual arts student here.

Anyway, what you can start off in excel is make a chart, with one column being the n terms, one column to input the terms (tn), and the third column being Sn, then sum.

(And a bit off topic here but I'm also doing a similar question for EE ^^)

Edited by uken
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I just got my IA today.. and i still have app. 2 weeks to do it.. my teacher in school told me to do it in excel.. but i dont understand anything. can anyone help me? please?

Hey art HL buddy! It's nice to see a visual arts student here.

Anyway, what you can start off in excel is make a chart, with one column being the n terms, one column to input the terms (tn), and the third column being Sn, then sum.

(And a bit off topic here but I'm also doing a similar question for EE ^^)

I just got this IA yesterday and I have no clue where to begin. What does it mean when it says " Calculate the sum S (subscript)n of the first n terms of the above sequence for n is between 0 and 10" ? The above sequence is t(subscript)n = (xlna)^n / n! Any help is very much appreciated!!

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Hey, I have the same assignment as you.

The general formula is a^x. Your value for a should be the point on the y axis at which the asymptote approaches. Good luck :P

hello, well.. im not asking for the answer.. but can you just tell me roughly or method how to find the general formula? a^x?

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Hi everyone,

We just got our Maths IA and it's about Infinite Summations

Did anyone else get that same IA?

I'm having trouble finding a general formula

Even though I'm getting an arithmetic series for this problem, the formula that I come up with doesn't work properly.

The only thing I know so far is that n = Sn, so every time n changes its value, Sn becomes that same value.

The problem is:

(x ln a)


Where x = 1 and a = any number between 0 and 10 (includes 0 and 10)

And the first term for a = 2

If anyone could help me, thanks in advance.

what i got so far is that *****

whenever you change the value of a and as long as you keep x as 1, *************

Edited by Mahuta ♥
Do not give out an equation you concluded in your math IA- Maha :)
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hey guys those who have gotten ax is obviously wrong. The conjecture is the latter one. The reason for getting ax is because you did not bracket it properly!!!

((10)*LN(2)^A4)/FACT(A4) ... this is wrong, as you can see you are powering the LN(2) to A4. However the question asked you to power the whole thing!! so if you just add ONE MORE bracket behind the 2 you will get it right!!!. ((10*LN(2))^A4)/FACT(A4). this changes the whole meaning. now both LN2 and 10 are being powered!

so be careful, handle your brackets properly!

Edited by Daedalus
Very important point, I made it bold.- Maha :)
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I just got my IA today.. and i still have app. 2 weeks to do it.. my teacher in school told me to do it in excel.. but i dont understand anything. can anyone help me? please?

Hey art HL buddy! It's nice to see a visual arts student here.

Anyway, what you can start off in excel is make a chart, with one column being the n terms, one column to input the terms (tn), and the third column being Sn, then sum.

(And a bit off topic here but I'm also doing a similar question for EE ^^)

(Hi art buddy! really? im doing something on roy lichtenstein.. most of his works are derived from comic books.. )

thanks for the advice.. i have done that.. but I'm finding problem with the plotting relations of Sn and n. any help?

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Hi guys i just got this assignment 2 days ago and im very confused.

for the question where it says

"Now consider a general sequence where x=1. Calculate the sum Sn of the first n terms of this gernal sequence for between 0 and 10 fir diferent values of a"

Do i use the formula that looks like this : Sn =

a - ar^n


1 - r

If so, how do i find r?

Edited by jilking
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i got the general formula as a^x but this is valid only till x=3 for my investigation, for different values of a.

so did anyone else too got the same limitation??

Am also doing this coursework.

I've done the two specific ones where x=1, a=2 and where x=1, a=3 but am now trying to do the general sequence for a where x=1 and am not sure how to go about this. I've written this out in full 10∑r=0(ln a )^n/n! but have no idea where to go from there. If anyone could give me some indication of how i'm meant to start adding these would be a massive help!


READ THE QUESTION properly and carefully you will get the answer to the question......

use different values of 'a' too..

i am getting the same limitation, and dont know what to do about it!!!!!! what is the general formula for x is greater than 3?!?!?!

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This is my first IA and what not so I want to make sure I get it right. I did everything with a=1, a=3, and substituting my own numbers to find the limits but I'm not sure how to arrive at a general statement... Some people have suggested a^x but I don't see how that works. Anybody else having more luck?

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This is my first IA and what not so I want to make sure I get it right. I did everything with a=1, a=3, and substituting my own numbers to find the limits but I'm not sure how to arrive at a general statement... Some people have suggested a^x but I don't see how that works. Anybody else having more luck?

this is my first IA as well. the problem is that i have found a^x only to work for when a is less than or equal to three. i have NO CLUE what to do when a is some other number. the limitation seems so large that i think there must be a mistake..... i'm also having problems with the summation notation, because we didnt really cover that in class so well....does anybody know how to represent the idea that as n approaches infitiy bla bla bla in mathematical notation?

also, some have suggested ax, but that does not work at all for me....my Sn values are much too high for that... :S

any help would be greatly appreciated!


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